
赌钱app可以微信提现警察局—here to serve you!


紧急情况: 呼叫 913-469-2500, (913-339-6699 TDD / TTY) 4111从校园电话. 如果你在校外,请拨打911.
安全护送: 用校园电话拨打4112.
Locked yourself out of your car or classroom? 呼叫 913-469-2500 (913-339-6699 TDD / TTY).
失物招领处: 位于矿渣MTC 115. 呼叫 913-469-8500,分机. 5678,报失物品.
咨询: 寻找当地和国家的资源.


哪个app可以赌足球 campus police department provides service 24 hours a day, 一周7天.

的 police department consists of 24 sworn law enforcement officers, 一个侦探, an emergency management director and 13 civilian employees. It is managed under the auspices of the executive vice president for finance and administrative services and is an integral part of the college’s dedication to developing and maintaining a safe and secure campus through the cooperative efforts of many college departments.


All police officers are professionally trained and state of Kansas certified, with the same authority as any police officer within the state of Kansas. 赌钱app可以微信提现 police officers are commissioned law enforcement officers with the right to arrest, in accordance with the laws of this state, any person for violation of state law or applicable county or city ordinances when such violations occur on any property or facilities which are under the guidance, 监督, regulation or control of 哪个app可以赌足球.


的 department provides a full range of police services, including, but not limited to:

  • Investigating all crimes committed which could result in an arrest and/or prosecution for the offense
  • Providing crime prevention and community services programs
  • 应急管理
  • 执行交通法规
  • Maintaining crowd control for campus special events

的 department maintains a close liaison with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies in implementing and coordinating campus law enforcement operations.

的 department understands the overall academic mission of the college and strives to play a vital role in enhancing that mission. 关心社会的福祉, a desire to provide service and assistance whenever possible and a constant desire to support the academic environment are all factors inherent in the department's daily operations and policies.


的 mission of the 赌钱app可以微信提现 police department is to develop, maintain and enhance a comprehensive information system whereby pertinent department records are secure, well organized and readily accessible to department employees, 大学官员, members of other criminal justice agencies and the public.

To file a report with 赌钱app可以微信提现 police or to request a copy of a police report, 打电话给赌钱app可以微信提现警察局 913-469-2500 (913-339-6699 TDD / TTY) or visit room 115 in the Midwest Trust Center.